Overfishing.... This has been a problem For years now the number of fish have been plummeting. People catch more than 90 million fish every year! Don’t you think it is time to stop this madness! Imagine if you were floating around in the water, and then a hook came down with some bait stuck to it, you're not just going to leave it there, you would try and catch it… wouldn't you? But then you get pulled up to the surface to get killed. All they're trying to do is live a normal life and be part of nature, and we don’t care, we still go ahead and kill as many as we can!
If you think about it we are just careless humans making the world worse by the second. We are catching fish for our sake, and we don’t care about the fish's sake. Were all ready killed way too many animals… And now we're starting on fish. More than 970 billion fishes are getting caught each year! I mean… soon there won’t be any fish left! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE eating fish,
But don’t you think it’s time to give them a break!
If you’re a person who really likes fish like me, you should make a stand against this problem. Imagine if the sea life wasn't there, the world won’t be the world any more. Lately fishing nets have been catching more than they intend. For example sea creatures like turtles, dolphins, sharks, and seabirds get caught on fishing lines or nets and get tossed back into the ocean, often dead or dying. Don’t you think it is ridiculous how they do that.
In the end we’re just wasting food, well to me of course.
This term we are doing speeches, I really enjoyed doing this because I am telling the world what I strongly believe in.